Medical Science

  • HER2 CAR-T治疗实体瘤获突破:患者已无癌症迹象

    HER2 CAR-T治疗实体瘤获突破:患者已无癌症迹象曼话 来源: 医药魔方2020-07-28分享到CAR-T疗法是指从患者体内分离出T细胞,然后在体外对T细胞进行改造,使其表达能够识别癌细胞表面抗原(如CD19、BCMA、CD22)的嵌合抗原受体(CAR),接着再将CAR-T细胞进行扩增,最后回输到患者体内,发挥消灭癌细胞的作用。目前,已有3款CD19 CAR-T疗法获批上


  • 癌症免疫治疗新靶点——NRP1

    虽然抗PD-1/L1等免疫检查点阻断(immune checkpoint blockade,ICB)疗法已经彻底改变了癌症治疗,但只有一小部分(10%–30%)癌症患者表现出持久的临床反应。因此,人们对识别先前存在和获得性免疫耐药机制以及开发新的预防复发的治疗方法非常感兴趣。7月13日,UPMC Hillman癌症中心和匹兹堡大学医学院的研究人员在Nature Immunology上发表文章揭示了


  • Trending Clinical Topic: Chronic COVID

    Each week, we identify one top search term, speculate about what caused its popularity, and provide an infographic on a related condition. If you have thoughts about what's trending and why, share


  • Concurrent use of palbociclib and radiation therapy: single-centre experience and review of the literature

    AbstractPalbociclib in combination with endocrine therapy increases progression-free survival in patients with ER-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer (BC). In this study, we retrospectively


  • Temporary IVC Filter Reduces Neurosurgery Complications in Thrombophilic Patients

    Thrombophilic patients undergoing elective neurosurgery who receive a temporary inferior vena cava (IVC) filter show dramatically fewer thrombotic or hemorrhagic complications compared with thrombophi


  • An effective peptide vaccine strategy circumventing clonal MHC heterogeneity of murine myeloid leukaemia

    AbstractBackgroundTherapeutic cancer vaccines are an attractive approach for treating malignant tumours, and successful tumour eradication depends primarily on controlling tumour immunosuppression sta


  • Colon Cancer Signs in Young Adults Often Dismissed

    June 3, 2020 -- Young adults are often not aware they can get colon cancer, and doctors are often late to diagnose it in younger patients, according to new research presented at the American


  • Blood Test Could Spot Breast Cancer Early

    By Dennis ThompsonHealthDay ReporterWEDNESDAY, June 10, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- A cutting-edge "lab-on-a-chip" has shown promise in detecting early breast cancers and tumors that have devel
